Friday, August 24, 2007

Don't Fake it In College

Hello Freshmen (for all you 1st years out there....others, ignore me)!

School starts on Monday, and you might want to know that...

College isn't and extended version of High School, don't try to impress someone.

You have all the time in the world to do that.

Don’t bury your face in books either.

This is the time to find your goals, your friends, your insecurities, yourself.

These four years someone else is paying (if you’re lucky) for your opportunity to think about the rest of your life.

Use it well.

Because what is going to come after college?

God willing, it will be a high-paying job

A stressful job

And then you’ll always try to impress your boss, trying to establish yourself as a professional.

By the time you did, you’ll have kids and a mortgage.

So stop trying to impress someone. Start living your life.

Stop trying to attain the unattainable and comparing with everyone else.

If only I can get into Haas

Yale Law

Harvard Med School


That Perfect Job.

If only I can get a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband

Oh wait…that would be the start of your troubles.


Anonymous said...

I like this one, its one of those "..thats what I'm talkin' 'bout!" messages.. good show!

-and in response to your question (previous blog) I do box, kick box, beat box (hehe), and love to punch/kick all things.. especially heavy things. you?

Joanna (Yin) Lin said...

I kick box too! But sometimes my tiny frame will get knocked over instead of the other way round.

More Pilates, Yoga, and Swimming.

Thanks for your lovely comment, I reflect on all sorts of things at any given time of the day. And it usually is fleeting. so I have to post fast before it escapes me! :)