Sunday, August 19, 2007 the SHIZZLES

I think I caught a bug.

Really, go ahead, question my sanity all you want, but golf is the shizzles.

I am not a particularly

strong person

Nor can I whip up a

So naturally I am attracted to sports that don't require that much strength but will still deliver

a hiney kickin

Alright hotshot, whats your point?

Golf is about as harmless as calling your dear uncle Markie

But oh wait,


More golf?


*lip quivers*

Okay I understand.


John said...

not as great in the rain, though. then it's the drizzles. (?)

Joanna (Yin) Lin said...

I use to play tennis in the rain with my partner. Actually we actively seek out rain.

You should really see us, two drowned rats padding on the court with no shoes, sliding across each other to get the ball...that bounces funny.